Achievement and Publications - Full Post

Four important research works have been completed by INPIM Nepal and reports were finalized and published. The first is a final report of the Farmer Managed Irrigation System Study prepared for the Social Safety Nets Project (SSNP). The study covered 15 different FMISs from different agro-ecological zones and was used to provide guidelines to the new national Agricultural Development Strategy. The second report is the Final Report of the of the South Asia Water Initiative (SAWI) Research Project carried out jointly by INPIM Nepal and the Center of Excellence on Water Resources Engineering (CEWRE), Lahore, Pakistan entitled “Impact of Climate Change on Water Availability for Community Managed Irrigation Systems for Food Security”. The research was funded by the Small Grant Program (SGP) of the South Asia Water Initiative (SAWI) Multi Donor Trust Fund’s Abu Dhabi Dialogue (ADD). The report documents the main outputs of the project which was carried out from Feb 2012 up to May 2013. Similarly the third report is the final report of the Pilot and Demonstration Activity (PDA) entitled “Enhancing Irrigated Agriculture Productivity through Multifunctional Water Users' Associations and Its Dissemination” from February 2012 to April 2013 PDA. It describes in detail the activities carried out under the PDA and outlines its achievement. It also highlights the lessons learned from the PDA and draws out the some of the future course of action.The fourth is the Integrated river basin plan development for Indrawoti Sub-basin funded by World Wildlife Fund.

Ongoing Research Projects
