Recent Activities - Full Post

On 23rd January 2012 INPIM-Nepal signed a Letter of Agreement with ADB for the conduction of Pilot and Demonstration Activity for water (PDA) which is part of the Regional Technical Assistance Knowledge and Innovation Support for ADB’s water Financing Program (RETA 6498). Thus in accordance with the LOA, INPIM Nepal is embarking on a research cum backstopping project entitled “Enhancing Irrigated Agriculture Productivity through Multifunctional Water Users’ Association and its Dissemination: PDA After-Care”. The LOA on behalf of INPIM Nepal was signed by Bashu Lohani, Secretary of INPIM Nepal. It is worth mentioning here that this project comes as a follow up to the previous research project entitled Demonstrating Enhanced Productivity in Irrigated Agricultural System through Multifunctional Water Users’ Association which was successfully completed in January 2011. The study aimed at establishing the value of multifunctional water users’ associations (WUAs) and evaluating the potential for and merit of promoting multifunctional WUAs in Nepalese irrigation systems. The present project has an even broader scope of not only giving continuity to the previous study of multifunctional WUA but also aims to provide backstopping to the two major ADB supported irrigation projects in Nepal, namely, Community Managed Irrigated Agriculture Support Project – DOI (CMIASP) and Community Irrigation Project – DoLIDAR (CIP).

Ongoing Research Projects
